GET CONNECTED internet ofers blzing Sand Prairie fiber offers blazing fast fiber internet to work, play, and communicate from home or business. With speeds from 25 Mbps to 2 Gbps (2,000 Mbps), you can search online, stream HD movies, and game without buffering or frustration. 6-Step Process to a Fiber Neighborhood 1. Interest Tells us where to build next by filling out the form at 2. Sign-Up 15 Choose your package and encourage your neighbors to also sign-up to reach your fiber neighborhood goal 3. Pre-Construction ENERGIZING COMMUNIY Finalizing engineering, ordering materials, and obtaining any easements/permits 4. Construction Buildout, splicing, and testing of all mainline and drop fiber connections At Jo-Carroll Energy, we're proud to be a part of our communities, bringing people together by providing energy for all the things you love. 5. Schedule Install Our representatives will contact you to schedule your interior installation 6. Neighborhood In-Service Fiber service is available in your fiber neighborhood! BUILT BY AND FOR THE COMMUNITIES WE SERVE Track your fiber neighborhood progress at: Get connected or express your interest JCE Jo-Carroll Energy SP Sand Prairie Your Touchstone Energy" Cooperative ? We're your trusted energy provider. A service of Jo-Carroll Energy Delivering reliable energy & broadband services to our members. 793 US Rt 20 W, Elizabeth, IL | 800.858.5522 | | GET CONNECTED internet ofers blzing Sand Prairie fiber offers blazing fast fiber internet to work, play, and communicate from home or business. With speeds from 25 Mbps to 2 Gbps (2,000 Mbps), you can search online, stream HD movies, and game without buffering or frustration. 6-Step Process to a Fiber Neighborhood 1. Interest Tells us where to build next by filling out the form at 2. Sign-Up 15 Choose your package and encourage your neighbors to also sign-up to reach your fiber neighborhood goal 3. Pre-Construction ENERGIZING COMMUNIY Finalizing engineering, ordering materials, and obtaining any easements/permits 4. Construction Buildout, splicing, and testing of all mainline and drop fiber connections At Jo-Carroll Energy, we're proud to be a part of our communities, bringing people together by providing energy for all the things you love. 5. Schedule Install Our representatives will contact you to schedule your interior installation 6. Neighborhood In-Service Fiber service is available in your fiber neighborhood! BUILT BY AND FOR THE COMMUNITIES WE SERVE Track your fiber neighborhood progress at: Get connected or express your interest JCE Jo-Carroll Energy SP Sand Prairie Your Touchstone Energy" Cooperative ? We're your trusted energy provider. A service of Jo-Carroll Energy Delivering reliable energy & broadband services to our members. 793 US Rt 20 W, Elizabeth, IL | 800.858.5522 | |