WEAL caouP WEALTH GROUP Client-Focused Wealth Management 0O 6 Follow us on social media! @fsbwealthgroup Schedule an appointment at our FSB Lake Carroll location today. 815-864-2111 O fsbwealthgroup.com Securities and advisory services are offered theough LPL Financial (LP), a registered investment adviser and broker-desler (member FINRA/SIPC). Irurance producti are oflered through LPor is lomed aates. Fint State Bark Shannon oloLake Carol and Sa Wah Group e not reghnored na brok dealer ivestnent advioc Regiered representatives of LPL affer products and servion uinghe nane FS Weath Grou and say o be engkowes of Fint Ste lar Shannoolo-Le Cat. Thee podact and servies ae beire tered to L or s aen wh te enes r andnottes Fea Ste ara Shaon PeLe Cart or se Weth Groe Secendce offerot tivh es re Not Insured by FDIC or Any Other Government Agency Not Bank Deposits or Obligations Not Bank Guaranteed May Lose Value SM-ST1861865 WEAL caouP WEALTH GROUP Client-Focused Wealth Management 0O 6 Follow us on social media! @fsbwealthgroup Schedule an appointment at our FSB Lake Carroll location today. 815-864-2111 O fsbwealthgroup.com Securities and advisory services are offered theough LPL Financial (LP), a registered investment adviser and broker-desler (member FINRA/SIPC). Irurance producti are oflered through LPor is lomed aates. Fint State Bark Shannon oloLake Carol and Sa Wah Group e not reghnored na brok dealer ivestnent advioc Regiered representatives of LPL affer products and servion uinghe nane FS Weath Grou and say o be engkowes of Fint Ste lar Shannoolo-Le Cat. Thee podact and servies ae beire tered to L or s aen wh te enes r andnottes Fea Ste ara Shaon PeLe Cart or se Weth Groe Secendce offerot tivh es re Not Insured by FDIC or Any Other Government Agency Not Bank Deposits or Obligations Not Bank Guaranteed May Lose Value SM-ST1861865